SAE frat bros are racist — blame hip hop and Ronda Rousey

By now we’ve all seen the video of Sigma Alpha Epsilon frat brothers riding a bus and gleefully singing that they’d hang an n-word from a tree before they let him join SAE. Disgusting stuff, even if it’s not surprising for folks who never bought into the Myth of Post Racial America. And by now … Continue reading

Oh Canada… Malcolm Subban repels opponents and racist troll fans

What we didn’t see coming: Canada losing a lopsided semi final to the U.S. Thursday morning at the World Junior Hockey Championship. This tournament is Canada’s equivalent of March Madness — the entire country uniting to follow the future stars of an insanely popular sport through a series of progressively tougher challenges. This event has … Continue reading

Race matters…because Cam Newton says it doesn’t

I can empathize with Cam Newton if he doesn’t want to be that guy. You know him. The one who screws up on the job, draws criticism for it and then blames racism rather than confronting his own shortcomings. Nobody likes that guy because his antics desensitize people to actual racism that demands real remedies. So … Continue reading

Sleepless Nights, Successful Event, Stay Tuned For More

Let me know if you know this feeling: You struggle through a few hours of fitful sleep, distracted by the rapid approach of an exam in a class you’ve been skipping all semester. As much as you need to study you realize no amount of cramming will compensate for weeks of missed instruction, so you … Continue reading

Buzz Bissinger, the NBA and False Friends

When I enrolled in Spanish class two years ago my instructor warned me about “false friends” — words that sound familiar to English speakers but actually mean something different and potentially embarrassing en Español. Exitado was one of them. An anglo looks at that word and thinks it means “excited,” but in many parts of Mexico, … Continue reading

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