To answer your question: I’m on TV

Questions I’ve been deflecting, answering and avoiding for the last decade:

Why don’t you have kids?

Why aren’t you married?

When are you getting a TV show?

I can answer the last one for you.

I’m getting a TV show today.

All Balls Don’t Bounce: My Departure Explained

Tuesday morning I stood on a crowded subway car as the train pulled into Royal York station. Behind me, sliding doors. Beyond them, the platform. As the train stopped and the doors eased open a man nudged past me to exit the car, pausing for a second to stare me down. “You’re Morgan Campbell!” he … Continue reading

Premiere Podcast — Flavour of the Month is “Swirl”

A few days ago I told you the All Balls Don’t Bounce Podcast was coming, and late Tuesday night it finally arrived. In Episode One the All Balls Don’t Bounce Crew (me, Will Strickland, Duane Watson) tackles some of the hottest topics in sport this week. The NFL’s legal limbo. Cam Newton’s relentless haters. Barry … Continue reading

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